Suryo Linda Gardner , M.A., LMP,RMT, is an international trainer, behavioral change specialist, depth psychotherapist and facilitator of “Energy Wisdom” and Reiki Mastery.


She has been learning from the Wisdom Teachers, Native and Corporate Shamans, Psychologists and Healers for more than twenty five years.


She has advanced degrees in clinical  psychology, hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming,(NLP), and training in Paradox Management,  Body Talk and Guided Self Healing. She is an International Master Teacher of Usui Reiki and long time student of Meditation.


She has created and facilitated trainings and workshops for corporations, schools and groups in Mainland China, West Africa, Spain, Nepal, India, Mexico and the U.S. Her understanding of culture, communication and the human condition is extensive.


Wisdom, balance and living with Life as it is, comes from a deep inner search into “who we are” and the “nature of reality”. Learning to live with Life on Life’s terms takes commitment and courage. Suryo has both. She walks her talk and guides others to do the same.


Her work is to help you: connect with your own Spiritual knowing through energy work and ritual. Help you to find some inner peace and balance with understanding duality. Change your Behaviors, and at the same time. heal your old issues that haunt you with behavioral change work and energy psychology, a faster method than traditional therapy.



If you would like to know more about regaining your balance, healing your inner psychology to be able to relax with Life and live more joyously consider taking that next step and contact Suryo at :


She is co-founder of the Institute for Mindful Development, and maintains a  Behavioral Change and Energy Psychology practice in Seattle, Washington.

Text Box: About Suryo

Contact Suryo: or 206-985-8147