Text Box: Energy Wisdom & Reiki Mastery in the Caribbean
Text Box: Come to the Caribbean sea-side retreat center of Dosceibas  and indulge yourself in a week of warm, blue tropical water, a lavish natural environment and delicious food as you expand your knowledge of “esoteric knowing”.  
Each day arise to enjoy the pleasures of the tropics and the beauty of connecting with your “inner knowing”. Past participants call this spot, “paradise”. 

We will stay at the beautiful Dosceibas 
Retreat with, white sandy beaches and the beautiful waters of the Caribbean. The Mayan  Ruins are located  on a powerful energy vortex that assists us in our healing and transformation.

This is what past participants  say:
“powerful & profound tools to use with self and others” “a sacred place with a sacred circle of healers” “a clarification of my path” 
“I learned to be just me & that is enough!”  “Suryo is an impeccable teacher, she honors each one of us”, 
“I felt loved and surrounded by love”, 
“I got a healing of my soul”. 
Text Box: You are invited 
to plunge into a tropical paradise, for a week long intensive where healing happens effortlessly. We will begin each day awakening to the sounds and sights of the jungle by the sea.  We will come together, with our intention, and create a sacred space for healing. 
You will learn:
 to strengthen your connection with Reiki 
through the Master symbol
to expand your capacity to trust 
healing energies and increase your 
intuitive capacity 
  to work with the Chakras 
to deepen your experience with 
hands on healing
You will  be initiated into the highest 
vibration of Reiki in sacred ceremony; 
Reiki Master 
As the training progresses, you will 
experience your own energy healing and feel 
more confidence in your 
energetic and healing abilities. 
Text Box: This week is an invitation to dive deep into your Being while in the lush surroundings of the tropics. Come and joyfully explore the healer within!

A non-refundable deposit of  $150. is due February 28, 2002
Contact Suryo at:

(206) 985-8147 or 
by e-mail:  suryo@mindspring.com

Text Box: Cost Includes: 
Reiki Mastery Training in Sacred Ritual
Seven Nights at Dosceibas Retreat, on the beach
Three Meals a Day
Transportation from airport on Saturday
Accommodation in  Bungalows, with private bath.    Total Cost: $1,500.00
Text Box: Expand your 
healing capacities and 
be nourished
in the warm, 
lush tropics .

Energy Wisdom /Reiki Master 
Training in the
Caribbean !
March 23-30, 2002
Tulum, Mexico